Agenda Tracking Solution Announced by Tripepi Smith

Tripepi Smith has announced the availability of agenda tracking solutions for companies interested in tracking the activities of city councils throughout California. The initial two counties covered by Tripepi Smith include Los Angeles County and Orange County. Between these two counties alone, there are over 260 council agendas to review each month. The Agenda Monitoring solution provides clients with daily emails identifying predefined subjects of interest to the client. Links to staff reports or screen grabs of referenced items are provided inside the emails, as well, to provide clients with a single glance view into items of interest.

“We worked hard at making this workflow process as efficient as possible when it comes to executing this work,” said Ryder Todd Smith, president of Tripepi Smith. “At the end of the day, this is grunt work, but when we do it, it is a lot more efficient and consistent than when our clients take it on themselves.”

Pricing for the service is as follows:

  • $900/month for Los Angeles and Orange County
  • $400/month for San Bernardino, Riverside or San Diego Counties
  • All Other Counties: Pricing Available Upon Request

Learn more about this solution on the Tripepi Smith website.