CalChoice Associate Member, Pico Rivera Municipal Energy Advocates for Community Recreational Space Protection in SB-867

The City of Pico Rivera’s Community Choice Aggregation and CalChoice Associate Member, Pico Rivera Innovative Municipal Energy (PRIME), successfully championed the inclusion of critical environmental justice language in California Senate Bill 867 (SB-867), the state’s recently enacted climate bond legislation.

A key provision of the bill, outlined in Section 94020(b), prioritizes funding for “park-poor communities experiencing a significant loss of parks or open and recreation space resulting from climate-related infrastructure projects.” This landmark language addresses challenges faced by communities like Pico Rivera, which have been impacted by projects like the Whittier Narrows Dam expansion, resulting in reduced access to recreational spaces.

“This legislative milestone is a transformative step in addressing the unique challenges faced by communities burdened by critical infrastructure projects while striving to preserve essential recreational areas,” said City of Pico Rivera City Manager Steve Carmona. “The inclusion of this language ensures that communities like Pico Rivera have a pathway to access the necessary funding.”

The passage of SB-867 underscores the power of local advocacy in shaping state policy. Communities now have increased opportunities to secure funding for developing new recreational spaces while mitigating the impact of climate-related infrastructure projects. This achievement strengthens environmental equity and community resilience, setting a significant precedent for Community Choice Aggregation programs across California.

“We are proud of PRIME for taking this important step to advocate for the needs of park-poor communities,” said CalChoice Executive Director Jason Caudle. “This effort not only showcases PRIME’s dedication to advancing environmental equity but also demonstrates the collective impact CCAs can have in shaping policies that create lasting benefits for the communities they serve.” 

CalChoice encourages members to stay informed about ongoing advocacy efforts and explore available resources by visiting the CalChoice website.

About CalChoice

CalChoice is a California Joint Powers Authority (“JPA”) that provides Community Choice Aggregation (“CCA”) support services, which include energy portfolio management, power procurement and trading, settlements and invoice validations, regulatory compliance, regulatory advocacy, financial and accounting, and rate-setting support functions. Current operational CalChoice members include Lancaster Choice Energy, Apple Valley Choice Energy, Pico Rivera Innovative Municipal Energy, San Jacinto Power, the Rancho Mirage Energy Authority, Pomona Choice Energy, Santa Barbara Clean Energy and Energy for Palmdale’s Independent Choice. By joining together, CalChoice members are able to cut costs through economies of scale. Learn More at