California JPIA Celebrates Excellence with 2019 Risk Management Awards

This year the California JPIA recognized six of its members for their achievements in risk management. The Authority’s Risk Management Awards Program celebrates member risk management successes while highlighting an important point: as a risk pooling organization, the success of individual member risk management efforts benefits all members. The significant improvements in risk management these members made resulted from dedicated efforts. 

Winners of the 2019 awards were recognized at the Annual Board of Directors meeting held on July 17, 2019. Members were divided into groups for which awards were presented. For the Primary Liability Program, the groups were Non-Municipal Members, Members without Police exposure, and Members with Police exposure. For the Primary Workers’ Compensation Program, the groups were Non-Municipal Members, Members without Public Safety exposure, and Members with Public Safety exposure. 

“I am proud of all of this year’s Risk Management Award winners. It’s a great achievement,” said Jon Shull, Chief Executive Officer of the California JPIA. “These agencies really stepped up in their risk management efforts. While it is important to recognize the accomplishments of our members, the Award also serves as a reminder of how good governance and effective management can benefit all Authority members.”

These awards recognize members that have demonstrated the best overall performance in each program. Authority staff evaluated both quantitative and qualitative factors that are reflective of a member’s risk management efforts. Factors included an agency’s five-year average cost of claims per $100 of payroll, its improvement in claims severity when comparing two, five-year coverage periods, its progress toward completing Loss Control Action Plan items, its Agency Exemplar rating, and its participation in Authority trainings and risk management events.

Providing innovative risk management solutions for its public agency partners for more than 40 years, the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (California JPIA) is one of the largest municipal self-insurance pools in the state, with more than 100 member cities and other governmental agencies.  Members actively participate in shaping the organization to provide important coverage for their operations. The California JPIA provides innovative risk management solutions through a comprehensive portfolio of programs and services, including liability, workers’ compensation, pollution, property, and earthquake coverage, as well as extensive risk management training and loss control services.

For the Primary Liability Program, the Best Overall Performance Award winners were:

For non-municipal agencies: Pomona Valley Transit Authority
For municipal agencies without police exposure: City of Ojai 
For municipal agencies with police exposure: City of Arroyo Grande

Left to Right: Paul Zeglovitch, Liability Program Manager; Shannon Esenwein, City of Arroyo Grande; George Sparks and Nora Garcia, Pomona Valley Transit Authority; President, Curtis Morris.

For the Primary Workers’ Compensation Program, the Best Overall Performance Award winners were:

For non-municipal agencies: Coastal Animal Services Authority
For municipal agencies without public safety exposure: City of La Quinta
For municipal agencies with public safety exposure: City of Pismo Beach

Left to Right: Jeff Rush, Workers’ Compensation Program Manager; Robert Radi, City of La Quinta; Jorge Garcia and Mary Ann Reiss, City of Pismo Beach; Kimberly Cholodenko, Coastal Animal Services Authority; President, Curtis Morris.