Civiltec Associate Earns Water Audit Validator Certification

California Department of Water ResourcesCiviltec Engineering Associate Greg Ripperger has recently earned his certification as a Water Audit Validator. The certification is valid for three years.

As required by Senate Bill 555, all water suppliers in California must submit a validated water loss audit to the California Department of Water Resources by October 1 each year. Water losses are a growing concern for water utilities agencies, especially in areas that experience drought or infrastructure challenges.

Water agencies are required to regularly account for their supplies. As such, water audits help the agencies understand the cause behind any water loss. The validator examines water loss audit inputs to consider the audit’s accuracy and document sources of uncertainty.

The validation process includes a thorough review of all documentation used in the audit, a meeting with the water utility agency to review the audit and the methods used to complete the audit, discussion with the client to provide feedback on how they can improve their audit outcomes, and a final review/validation of the audit.

Civiltec has previously assisted multiple clients with completion of their water audits and validation. Greg’s previous experience and new role will assist clients in understanding the audit process and provide a speedy and informative validation process.

As the first of October draws closer, Greg will be on deck to meet upcoming client needs and help the water utility agencies comply with the State’s new requirements and lower water loss in the future.