Framework for Re-Opening California: Next Steps for Modifying ‘Stay at Home’ Orders

Governor Gavin Newsom has released preliminary framework to work towards re-opening the State of California.The roadmap includes 6 (six) primary conditions that need to be in place before the state can re-open schools or businesses:

  1. The ability to monitor and protect our communities through testing, contact tracing, isolating and supporting those who are positive or exposed
  2. The ability to prevent infection in people who are at risk for more severe COVID-19
  3. The ability of the hospital and health systems to handle surges
  4. The ability to develop therapeutics to meet the demand
  5. The ability for businesses, schools, and child care facilities to support physical distancing
  6. The ability to determine when to reinstitute certain measures, such as the stay-at-home orders, if necessary

Even after these goals are met, The California Roadmap to Modify the Stay-at-Home Order warns that restaurants will likely open with fewer available tables, face coverings will still be common in public, and new opportunities will likely arise to support mitigation.

Schools are likely closed for the remainder of the 2019/2020 school year, and may see continued changes once re-opening begins, including:

  • Staggered schedules, where some kids come in the mornings and others later in the day to spread people apart
  • Greater physical separation between desks
  • Thorough, routine sanitization of school property
  • Prohibitions on student congregation during meal time
  • Changes to gym, sports and other physical activities

All of this information is subject to change, and timelines are tentative at this point. Updates will continue to be provided as more information becomes available.