Darrell George

Darrell George

City of Duarte

Darrell George has been City Manager for the City of Duarte since October 2004. Prior to coming to Duarte, Darrell worked for the City of Downey for seven years as the Community and Economic Development Director. Formerly with the cities of Pomona, Santa Monica, and Los Angeles, Darrell has worked in community, economic, and redevelopment for over 25 years. Over that course of time, he has been responsible for assisting in the development of several million square feet of retail, commercial, and industrial property, representing the creation of thousands of new jobs. Specific projects he has headed include Santa Monica’s Third Street Promenade and Pacific Park, Pomona’s Marketplace, and the redevelopment of the 168-acre former NASA site in Downey, including a shopping center film studios, and a new Kaiser Hospital. Darrell received a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and his Master’s Degree in Planning from USC.