Mejorando Group Continues Support of CCMF

The California City Management Foundation (CCMF) announced that The Mejorando Group has renewed their support of the California city management community as a 2021-22 Corporate Benefactor Sponsor.

Since 2002, The Mejorando Group has partnered with leaders from local governments across the country, including several in California, helping them translate the headwinds of change into a tailwind by providing practical and impactful solutions. Mejorando is Spanish for “getting better all the time” and it reflects the mission to help organizations and members in their collective journey for continuous improvement. The Mejorando Group provides a range of organizational effectiveness services including Succession Planning programs, strategic planning facilitation, leadership development and an extensive series of training workshops to equip workforces with mission-critical capabilities to tackle tomorrow’s challenges today.

“CCMF thanks the Mejorando Group for your ongoing support,” said CCMF President Ken Striplin. “We are honored to work with like-minded partners who are committed to excellence in local government leadership.”

CCMF corporate sponsors enjoy a number of benefits, including sponsorship recognition on the CCMF website, access to the CCMF weekly electronic newsletter and invitations to members-only activities and special events at the annual League of California Cities City Manager Department conference. Corporate membership fees start at just $1,250. Visit CCMF’s Become a Sponsor page to learn more.